AORN Chapter 1504 of Greater Indianapolis

Quarterly Circulator

Posted over 2 years ago by Nathan Blue in The Circulator

This announcement has 1 attachment:
Circulator 0222 (5.1 MB)

Quarterly edition of "The circulator" with links to our fundraiser, delegate applications, as well as a recording to the February meeting! One on our Facebook page, or the second if you follow the QR code on the meeting announcement, you can register for a replay and still get credit, as long as the video is available on the Key Surgical website!

Our chapter is evaluated by National AORN, and one of the metrics they look at is participation. Please show participation by voting for National Candidates. This edition of the Circulator has summaries and link to National Candidates to keep you informed on your vote! National Voting ends on March 22nd.

Delegate applications are due soon, please fill out the application and return it to the chapter email!

We have a FUNdraiser happening right now, go to our Custom Ink page to look at it, and share it with your friends! It's Closing on March 12th, with a late March/early April delivery goal!!


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To inquire about membership, please contact us.